I don’t know exactly why that is, but I believe it’s the same principle as stopping to ask the blessing before diving into a meal.
Or thanking someone who holds the door for you.
Or taking the time to congratulate or recognize a colleague for a job well done.
Or even pausing to hold your breath before going underwater.
I’m learning this same principle as I’ve been training for a new role at my “real job” over the last couple weeks. Since about 75% of my day will be spent on the phone once I’m fully trained, I have to remember to embrace the silence, take a deep breath, pause for a moment. I’m constantly reminding myself that it’s ok to not have the answer (or even a response). If we knew it all and didn’t have anything else to learn, what a boring world that would be!
Journal Java
- When is the last time you were in complete silence?
- How do you feel about silence?
- When would be the most effective moment in your day to pause, and why?