It’s crazy how quickly things can change, isn’t it? Folks say if you don’t like the weather here, just give it 10 minutes. It’s so true, especially when we’re talking about life in general! While meeting with our small but mighty admin team this morning, I was telling the other two ladies how quickly things shift on our team. These newest admins were hired within the last 3 months, so I thought it was extremely important to make them aware of the culture and pace of the team. (While the interview process is extremely thorough, I’m all for setting folks up for success whenever possible!) The nature of what we do on the team requires a “buckle up and hold on tight” type of attitude; otherwise, you’re going to fall off the moving train!
How quickly has your world shifted? If you compare this time last year to now, what has changed? Are there many things that have stayed the same? If your world is fairly consistent when compared to a year ago, that’s pretty amazing. I’m reminded of change most often when I look at Facebook pictures of my friends’ children who were babies or toddlers when my husband and I moved to Tennessee almost 4 years ago. It seems like those kids are almost teenagers now! I used to prefer things stay static, which included my schedule and role at work as well as my responsibilities at home. Yes, some things need to be consistent, but change is a great thing.
If you find yourself resistant to change, ask yourself why. Think about it…are you the one causing the change or are you merely reacting to it? If you’re on the reacting side of the game, perhaps it makes a lot more sense as to why you’re more resistant toward change; if you’re causing change, your attitude would probably be different.
I’ve said this before, but always remember that if you don’t like the way things are, you have the power to change them, whether that’s by adjusting your situation itself or simply altering your attitude toward it.